This is a rant. I probably won't go all out, because that just isn't me, but I wanted to make it clear that this is not a friendly posting.
Anyway, a "friend" of mine on Facebook made a post yesterday that truly irritated me. I put friend in quotes because he was a pal of mine while we were in a choir together, but we really haven't had much contact since then, until we clicked the friend request and approval buttons on Facebook.
He said that the country should put the Democrats on the East coast and the Republicans on the West coast. And the independents could have Kansas.
My first thought was, "What's next? Different schools? A dividing line in public transportation?" I can just imagine. To sit on the left side of the bus, you need to be a registered Democrat. To sit on the right, Republican. Show your documentation, please.
Come on! That's truly ridiculous.
Because, you know, segregation worked so well in this country. And apartheid worked wonders in South Africa. And the Jews really appreciated being shipped off to camps.
I am getting tired, no, make that FUCKING EXHAUSTED of all the morally superior bullshit that people ejaculate.
Ahhh, venting relieves pressure.
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5 years ago
"He said that the country should put the Democrats on the East coast and the Republicans on the West coast. And the independents could have Kansas."
I suppose your friend never heard of Brown v. Board of Education.
It's extraordinary how folks today are so "political" without having even a cursory idea of the issues at hand. Arguably, those issues are complex, but not so much so that one cannot get a reasonable understanding of them by spending a bit of time reading something other than their own side of the issue.
Exactly. And I don't think one side has all the right answers, either.
Love 'em or hate 'em, it's kind of necessary to have the two big political parties and all the little ones, too.
Of course, you could also consider that George Washington erred when he didn't go for a constitutional monarchy.
I'm a left wing liberal Democrat, probably borderline "yellow dog," who is simply tired of his own party (surely as well as the other). That noted, I do believe that the passage of the health care reform legislation will embolden the Obama Administration, much as Medicare did the Johnson Administration, after which he went for a ton of great legislation - And got it.
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