Thursday, April 11, 2013

Talk Show Hosts...

I just finished reading American on Purpose by Craig Ferguson. It's his autobiography. I wish I could afford to stay up later so I could watch his talk show. I think he's a very interesting person and I like his style as host of the Late, Late Show. He's funny and personable. 

He had an interesting life. He managed to overcome several addictions. It was a nice triumph to read.

What interests me more is that he seems to be a genuinely happy person. It's rare you see that. He claims that he likes Dave Letterman because Dave seems bitter and cynical, and that fits Craig. I don't buy it. Maybe Craig used to be bitter and cynical, but I don't think he is anymore. 

The other talk show host I like (yep, only one other) is Ellen Degeneres. I like Ellen because she's happy. Her show is always upbeat and positive. I mean, she starts each episode out by dancing with the audience. 

I like watching talk show hosts that make me feel good. That's why I like Ellen and Craig.